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Portfolio Details - Flexor Bootstrap Template

Contact Information

  • Email: Trina Eiler
  • Office Phone: (513) 283-0817
  • Cell Phone:
  • Liaisons:

About Trina

Prior to joining the staff at the ICWUC Training Center in Cincinnati, OH; Trina worked as a Supervisor for Omnicare Inc. for 3 years. Trina attended the College of Mount Saint Joseph for Business Management and Communication Arts. Trina has completed Microsoft Software level 3 training in Word and Excel and continues with further education. Trina was brought into the Training Center as the Financial Analyst. Her duties are to supervise accounting staff and others when they are working on grant related financial matters. She monitors each grant monthly and regularly provides information to the Center Director. Part of Trina's job duties are to reconcile invoices, receipts and activity reports from all Instructors for accuracy, proper documentation and grant designation. Trina also works with the Center Director and ICWUC Headquarters staff on record keeping systems and procedures for expense tracking and reporting. She prepares and/coordinates with the accounting staff fiscal information so that grant reports are filed timely and accurately.